Monday, June 25, 2012

The Farewells Have Started

I think one of the most difficult parts on our journey into missions has been the good-byes.  We have had numerous moves in the last few years and moving can be hard.  The time and effort it takes to plan, pack up, travel, unpack and feel settled is immense.  Getting established in a new church, a new community and with new friends can also be challenging.  But by far the most painful part of any of that is leaving the relationships that been developed. 

We aren't leaving for another few months, but we have found that here in Dar es Salaam, many of the missionaries leave for the summer (winter here) and most of them will not return until after we have gone back to the states.  We didn't realize we would be saying many of our farewells so soon!

Here are some recent shots...

Anissa and her best friends, Alex and Esther, on the last day of school.
On the last day of school we met with some other families to celebrate. 
These are some of the moms I have come to know and love.  Laura, Laura, and Michelle. 
We also had to say an early farewell to Snuggles, who went to live with a local family.
(She discovered she could climb our papaya tree and get onto the wall where the electric fence is.  Not good!)

We have been blessed to have Mr. Cook teach swim lessons for the home school families throughout the year. 
This was the last day of class.