Monday, January 28, 2013

Catching Up

Well, our somewhat normal pattern of blogging slowed down once we returned to the states--due to many factors including house-hunting, re-aclimating to the US, catching up with family and friends, and honestly, some pretty severe fatigue!  So, we are hoping to catch you up with a little of what has been going on since our return.  :)

As some of you know, we have moved into a new home just north of Tampa. We are grateful to God for his provision of this lovely home and the wonderful people who lived in the home before us.

In December, we enjoyed going to Christmastown in Bush Gardens and enjoying a concert by Jars of Clay.   We were also able to attend a Christmas concert featuring some dear friends of ours.  And the best part was being able to spend Christmas with our families this year!

In January Craig began his new assignment as consultant to the Director for Africa Area Eastern and Southern Region of SIL.  Craig has already been working with several countries in the area on some technical and legal issues. He will also continue to work with the Tanzania leadership on issues of advocacy and government relations. The work will be remote with some trips to DC and Africa as the need arises.

Some other big news is that Craig is hoping to go back to school in May.  He has been accepted to Eastern University for a Masters in International Development program (most of the classes will be on line with only three weeks each year at the campus).  This education will allow Craig to gain more practical skills in how SIL and the Wycliffe Global Alliance can create and implement programs that bring spiritual transformation to communities. Craig will be joining others which include staff from organizations like IJM, World Vision and Samaritans Purse in learning how implement and measure the transformational nature of our work.   We are praying for God’s will in this, as it would mean an increase in our financial support, but we believe that this study would be very beneficial to Craig’s position.