Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Back to School--A Humbling Experience

It was over 25 years ago when lap tops and cell phones were non-existent. Academic papers and law briefs were typed by a typewriter and not a computer.  And, it was that long ago Craig was in a formal academic setting at Florida State University College of Law. J  However, this month, humbling wanting to serve communities around the world in a more educated and responsive way, he went back to school. Craig entered a Masters Program in International Development at Eastern University.

It was a long road to get to this point. Last year in Tanzania, Craig sensed God’s calling to increase his knowledge base in the area of faith based development and transformational development principles. The search led him to a Christian school that has been training  leaders of World Vision, International Justice Mission, Samaritan’s Purse, Compassion International and many other faith based organizations. The degree is a two year program that is online but with three weeks of in-person class work each year.  Along with school, Craig will be continuing with his position as consultant for external relations and legal affairs to the director for SIL Africa area.  

Admittedly, going back to school and handling assignments have been overwhelming so far, but just watching how God raised up the tuition for the program was a reminder of his faithfulness. Please pray for discernment, wisdom, stamina and his peace as he finishes nearly 3000 pages of reading and five papers that need to be completed by early July when classes at Eastern commence. We covet your prayers and we continue to be amazed at God’s provision as we have now been faith based supported for nearly seven and a half years! Praise God! Thank all of you who have prayed for us and partnered in our ministry. You are the heroes of the faith to us.