Monday, December 23, 2013

Pray for Peace

     As the blessed day of Christmas arrives, we remember again the hope that Jesus brought to our world with his birth,  Last week we were reminded of this need for hope when Craig received word from South Sudan (a country which is part of his work with Wycliffe) that an attempted coup had taken place and fighting among opposing forces had broken out.

     When this new country celebrated its birth only two years ago, hope was plentiful.  But now this new nation is at a crossroads. The future looks uncertain.  However, we can rejoince that on Wednesday, many throughout the country of South Sudan will be celebrating the birth of a King who lived, died and rose again to bring hope to their nation and all of us around the world. Jesus' promises are real and we can trust in him.  We ask you to join us to pray for peace and restoration for South Sudan.