Tuesday, March 4, 2014

We Drive by Faith, Not by Sight


When we lived in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania the traffic was such that we had a saying that we “drive by faith and not by sight!”  We found that to be true once again in February as we tried to race a winter storm closing in on Waxhaw, NC.  We were travelling from Tampa to Washington, D.C. and had stopped in NC on our way north with the hopes that we would visit some long time friends. However, all of our plans had to be cancelled in order for us to leave and miss the major part of the storm.   We awoke to the snow just beginning, and were able to make it to Manassas before it was too bad in NC, and before it hit VA.  :)

The snow in Manassas after we arrived.

We arrived in Northern Virginia just in time for a foot and a half of snow to hit the Manassas area. The girls and Carolyn had a great time of playing in the snow and visiting with our friends while Craig and Alemayehu (Craig’s boss from Ethiopia) traveled into DC for two days of meetings with the DC office as well as other organizations.


Our friends took the girls indoor rock climbing to escape the snow.

Craig just started his 4th class in his Masters Degree in International Development, which should finish the end of March. After that, he will have one more class for the year. God willing, he will start his second and final year of the program in June 2014 and is scheduled to graduate with his Masters in May 2015. 
Thank you for your prayers and support as 2014 has been extremely busy so far.The family has been privileged to participate in two mission conferences this year and we looking forward to a third conference in June.  Also, Craig is scheduled to fly to North Carolina to teach and facilitate a discussion on duty of care for mission organizations for the Risk Managers Network of mission organizations.

 Along with travel, school, homeschooling and ministry work, we have also had a long term foster care child placed with our family.  We have been blessed to be able to provide care for this sweet, 2 year old girl.  We aren't sure how long she will be with us, but we are loving on her as much as we can while she is here!  Please pray with us--for her, her family and for us, during this time.