Friday, May 3, 2013

A Time to Reconnect with Colleagues and Culture


Recently our family was able to be part of a wonderful program (sponsored by Wycliffe) for missionaries reentering US culture from overseas.  Wycliffe Connection provides training in various areas, but more importantly, it is a wonderful way to connect with other missionaries from overseas.


We enjoyed our time in Orlando and we able to participate with several colleagues we worked with in Tanzania. Anissa and Ariana were in the kids programs that were led by a couple who are experienced in youth ministry (and who we had met during our time in Virginia!)



Another  highlight was seeing the beautiful art work in the Wycliffe headquarters—we discovered  that much of it was painted by our friend, Michael Harrar, who we worked with in Tanzania. :)

 It was great to remember we are all part of a team seeking to help communities bring transformation to their lives and communities. Now that is worth living for!