Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Joy in the Word

  Even though many of the participants were tired, to our surprise we saw participants smiling, raising their heads, looking up at the reader. Occasionally you could see some of them nodding and laughing. We saw that reading the text in the Nyiha language changed the mood of the people completely. After closing the session, I approached our host pastor and asked him about his feelings. He said, "I cannot tell you what kind of joy I have after hearing the word of God read in my own language. I'm so happy!" Then he continued laughing.  by Joey M.


It is a great joy to able to share with you one of the more recent stories of  how God is working in the heart language of the people and the impact that brings to people in East Africa and around the world.  We also want to update you on a few things that have been going on with our family recently.
It is with great excitement that we can tell you that Craig is finishing up his first year school for a Masters in International Development from Eastern University. He will start his second year in June 2014, and with the Lord’s will, he will be in residency   there (in St. Davids, PA)  for most of July. God has been so gracious to allow Craig to work on a full time Masters program and continue to serve the Director of Africa area.

Also, there is a possible opportunity to travel to Rwanda in the fall to discuss literacy and scripture use with church and government officials. Please join us in prayer for this possible trip and all the logistics that need to fall into place to make that happen, and for the doors to be open and for Craig and his director to be used mightily.    

On the home front, we are also wrapping up another (home)school year.  Carolyn feels so blessed to be able to serve our family this way.  We also continue to have our foster child as part of our family.  It’s such a joy to see her grow and change…its seems almost daily!  The girls are preparing for their first performances with a local Christian theatre group, and we can’t wait to see them in the Wizard of Oz-more on that to come!