Sunday, August 28, 2011

Orientation Time

                                                      Mbudya Island, off the coast of Dar es Salaam
We have just started our last week of orientation, here in Dar es Salaam. During the three weeks, we have had all sorts of interesting classes on African culture, Tanzanian history and government, managing transition, and child safety (among many others). We have visited bustling market places, beautiful and secluded beaches, and simple, inviting homes in local villages. We have traveled in a dala dala (the local city bus) and bajaji (kind of like a scooter rickshaw, for lack of better description). But honestly, one of the most amazing things has been getting to know the 20 other people that have come to serve in Tanzania. 

Each morning we have two people share their stories and tell about how they arrived here in Dar. And each time, I am more and more amazed at how God has orchestrated each life to end up here, now, and serving the mission of Bible translation. Our group consists of families with children, newly married couples, and singles. We come from all around the United States, Canada, Australia, England, and Ireland. Some were missionary kids, some are from Christian homes and some are not. Some are new to the field and others have served all over the world. No one’s journey was easy or necessarily clear, but God’s hand at work was undeniable. Truthfully, each story is nothing short of a miracle.  

Not long ago, I remember hearing someone compare God’s plan to a quilt. Where, in our lives, we may only see the knots and the threads, He sees the entire, completed, beautiful quilt. With each story I hear, I can imagine the great Father, stitching away at our individual lives, ultimately bringing each of us together in this place… completing just a small part of the pattern that is to serve in His ultimate plan, His completed quilt. Each day I am reminded of His faithfulness in bringing our family here…guiding each of here to bring the love story of God to all the people of Tanzania.