Friday, September 9, 2011

The Quarry Kids

The quarry at Sala Sala

Although we have only been in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, for a short time, we have already seen God do some incredible things.  We wanted to share one of the stories with you that is a tribute to God’s faithfulness and his compassion to the poor and marginalized.
One of the local international churches meets at HOPAC, the school that Anissa attends.  The pastor, Shaun Graham, recently shared his vision for one of the communities very close to where we live.   Before the Grahams moved to Tanzania, the Lord gave them a verse in 1 Samuel 2:8 that says “He raised the poor from the dust...” One day, Pastor Shaun went for a walk behind the HOPAC campus and discovered thousands of people living in a disused quarry.   It doesn’t get much dustier than that.  With that verse returning to his mind, Pastor Shaun and the church started a children’s club that attracts more than 150 children from that area called Sala Sala.
Using sports, creative arts and free play, the church volunteers interact  with the children weekly and seek to show them God’s love.  Pastor Shaun told us that for Christmas last year, all of the kids were sent home with a big bag of rice. For most of these families, this was the only food they would have for the holidays.  This act of kindness has now opened the door to be able to minister in one of the government schools. One of the school leaders knew of Pastor Shaun because of the kids club and has now allowed him to teach in the school.  Even better, the classes have been more highly attended than anyone expected!
Every day we drive by that quarry and see the poor of Sala Sala and are reminded the verses in Samuel and see how God uses his people to reach the lost and the broken hearted
What verse has the Lord recently laid on your heart?