Sunday, August 5, 2012

Heading Home, but the Work is Expanding

Several months ago we wrote about our decision to return home to live, but continue to work with our Africa team remotely. Since that time, Craig’s assignment has expanded to include some exciting new opportunities.  Our dear friend, Alemayehu, has become the director of the newly formed Eastern and Southern Africa Area of SIL.  He has asked Craig to serve as his consultant for external relations and legal affairs.

This assignment will allow Craig to work directly with Alemayehu on issues impacting many different countries in East and Southern Africa.  This new position will allow him to pull from his past experiences working at both the international and in-country levels and it will also allow him to continue work that was initiated while serving in Dar. 

Just to give you an idea, in just over one year, Craig has had over 60 meetings with Government  Ministries of Tanzania and Regional/District  government officials , Non-Governmental organizations, Donor nations to Tanzania, National Networks, Church leaders and Universities to serve language communities seeking to bring spiritual transformation to their communities.  All of these opportunities were from the hand of God and we praise him for his faithfulness.

Our journey while here in Dar has allowed us to explore many different areas of this beautiful country in our short time here. Here is a list of places we have traveled: Iringa, Mbeya, Malindi (Kenya), Entebbe (Uganda), Arusha, Zanzibar, Nairobi  (Kenya), Bagamoyo , Musoma, Mwanza, Selous,  and Ruaha.  It’s been a busy but amazingly rewarding time. 

 The new assignment will begin on January 1, 2013. In the meantime, we are starting to pack and say our good byes.  It’s hard to believe we leave in less than 2 weeks.  (Craig will stay until September).  So, after our return (and catching up with much-missed family and friends!) we plan to take part in the Bell Shoals Missions Conference and then do some traveling to visit other friends and churches, and hopefully determine where we will ultimately call “home” for this next stage in our journey.   In early November, we will take part in a program Wycliffe has for missionaries returning from overseas assignments.

It seems like so much before the end of the year!  We are looking forward to our return and hope that we will be able to see everyone soon!  We know many of you have stood in the gap for us over many years and we are truly grateful and humbled by the support and partnership in the work.  Thanks for going on the journey with us!