We can't believe that it has been 10 years since we officially began to work in ministry--ten years since we took our first assignment with Wycliffe and moved to Washington, D.C. to work in the International Relations office. We are grateful to each of you for your prayers and support. Thank you for your faithfulness over the last decade!
10 years ago |
Now! |
This last year, Anissa completed 10th grade and Ariana completed sixth grade. Where has the time gone?! They have both been a part of DeArmon CAST, which is a Christian performing arts school. They love it so much and we have been so blessed to be a part of this amazing group. CAST performs several plays a year and Anissa just concluded Mary Poppins where she was part of several ensembles and Ariana played Mrs. Darling and an Indian (Brave Shrub) in Peter Pan. They have also gotten to take part in some of the summer classes that were offered and are looking forward to another exciting year of performances starting in the fall.
Anissa in Mary Poppins (ensemble) |
Ariana as Brave Shrub in Peter Pan |
Since March, Craig has been busy traveling in East Asia, including visiting Bangladesh, Thailand and Cambodia. He just arrived back home from Cambodia where he visited a partner organization which is involved in Christ centered transformational development. There was also a dedication of the Phnom New Testament happening in northern Cambodia right after Craig's visit. This Bible dedication was the result of a 15 year project. In Bangkok, Thailand Craig helped facilitate a training course with participants from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal on learning how to integrate sustainable development goals into their work.
Craig with colleague and leaders of a community in northern Cambodia |
It's hard to believe that summer is almost over already! We hope everyone has had a blessed year so far and we thank you again for all your prayers!