Tuesday, December 13, 2011

“Rebecca, Translate the Bible”

“Rebecca, translate the Bible.” Those were the words Tanzanian Member of Parliament Rebecca Michael Mngodo heard 30 years ago when she was studying languages at the University of Moscow. Who spoke those words to her?  It was Cameron Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL International.

Cameron and Elaine Townsend were in Moscow at the invitation of the University faculty in the language studies department. (This was at a time when Russia was still a communist country!)  At the same time, Mngodo and her future husband had received scholarships from the government of Tanzania to attend school in Moscow.  Through a divine appointment, the two families met.   Mngodo was moved by Uncle Cam’s passion for getting the word to everyone in their heart language and they became friends. Ultimately, Uncle Cam (through a series of anonymous donors) raised money for her to go to England for an extensive 6 weeks course in Bible Translation taught at Wycliffe UK.

Mngodo later returned to Tanzania and had a successful career in TV production, was active in her church, and continued her friendship with the Townsends.  And, just last year, she became a member of the Parliament of Tanzania. Throughout this time, she continued to have the words burn in her heart, “Rebecca, translate the Bible.”

In June, she was in Dodoma for the session of parliament.  While at a gas station, she saw a vehicle with the name SIL on it. She met one of our colleagues and learned that SIL was working in Tanzania. The words of Uncle Cam hit her with such power when she saw SIL was in Tanzania! The colleague recently related this story of the meeting to Craig.  Then, Craig, along with another SIL colleague in Dar es Salaam, invited her to the office in Dar.

Last week she was able to visit and learn about the acceleration of Bible Translation in Tanzania and also tell the members of our office about her time with the Townsends. More importantly, she wanted to know how she could help. It turns out she is on the committee that relates with the key government ministry SIL is trying to work with! At the end of the meeting, the entire staff of the Dar office came and prayed for MP Mngodo and her work in Parliament. We praise God for this incredible divine appointment that happened at a humble gas station, and we ask you to pray about how MP Mngodo might be used by God to advance the cause of translation and fulfill the words of Uncle Cam, “Rebecca, translate the Bible.”